Mandatory COVID-19 testing for MU employees

Following the measures imposed by the Czech Ministry of Health, physical presence at the workplace without a valid negative SARS-CoV-2 test result will be prohibited from Wednesday 17 March 2021. The test result must not be older than 7 days and all employees are required to submit to testing

The exceptions are:

  • the employees working from home
  • the employees who have undergone the COVID-19 infection within last 90 days
  • the employess who have received complete vaccination no less than 14 days ago

The employee is asked to provide the proof of the last two above mentioned exceptions in form of the healthcare provider confirmation.

As of 15th March 2021,there will be the self tests available for the employees that do not fall under any of the exceptions. Please, contact the Dean's office to agree on the pick up.

The head of the department is responsible for the employees to perform the self test and record the outcome into the COVID-19 prevention application in iNET.

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