

Tuition fee for the Master’s study programme Pharmacy is set at 7000 per academic year.
(€6700/year for students who began their studies in academic year 2020/21 or earlier.)

Students can pay for each year in 1, 2 or 4 instalments within the prescribed time period. 

Payment orders must be made online via Shopping center for the Faculty of Pharmacy.

Always make the order in your name and include your university ID (UČO), even if the tuition fee is paid by someone else.
First, log into the IS and then use the link provided in the Shopping center.

Please, make sure to pay the Tuition fee in EUR only. Do not send the payment in CZK or any other currency because your bank uses a certain currency rate, and our bank and accountancy systems use a different rate so, you can never pay the exact amount. An ideal solution is to open a EUR account in your bank, most Czech banks can open the EUR one as addition to your CZK account. You can also use Revolut account or the GlobalPay for Students Platform (GPfS)

Tuition fee orders 2024/2025

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